Gender is not only about Women & Girls.

I have been working in social development for more than 6 years and joined the Gender Affairs Department in 2021. I've always been fascinated by human interactions and believe that we can all contribute to ensuring everyone's safety and well-being. My passion for communication led me to utilize my skills in promoting fairness and equality for all Tuvaluans.

Regardless of gender, whether we are women, men, girls, or boys, our gender influences our lifestyle, activities, and relationships. Embracing this diversity is important. However, we must address gender inequality—the unequal treatment and opportunities between women and men. It's distressing to know that 44 percent of women and girls in Tuvalu experience violence in their supposed safe haven, their homes. We should not accept inequality in our society, as it breeds anger, fear, sadness, and distress, which contradicts the values of our Tuvaluan community.

As a Project Manager, my role involves supporting the development and implementation of projects that promote gender equality and empower women. Let's collaborate to ensure that everyone in our community has what they need for a good life, feels safe, and is included. Reach out to me for more information on gender equality and social inclusion or if you'd like us to participate in your initiatives.

If you didn't know, now you know!