I have been working with the Gender Affairs Department since 2018. Utilizing gender analysis has allowed me to gain a broader and more detailed understanding of issues like vulnerability and resilience in the face of disasters, and the impact of COVID-19. I have learned that even though both women and men experience these crises together, their experiences can be vastly different due to varying life experiences and unequal access to resources and decision-making power. We know that when both women and men have the necessary resources and are able to express their views and ideas, they can make better decisions that benefit a larger number of people.

As a Community Campaign Officer, I strongly believe that discrimination against women and girls and gender inequality have detrimental effects on our communities. They prevent women and girls from achieving their aspirations, subject them to violence within schools and homes, and place them and their children at risk of poverty and hardship. Gender inequality also harms our communities as it deprives us of the full potential and contributions of all individuals.

If you are interested in learning more about promoting gender equality and empowering women in our communities, and would like to collaborate with the Gender Affairs Department, please reach out to me.

We have the responsibility to continue the important work initiated by those who came before us. As Ban Ki-Moon said, "Achieving gender equality requires the engagement of women and men, girls and boys. It is everyone's responsibility."