

The specified folder path, Inclusions, does not exist.

Gender, youth, and disability mainstreaming

Developing and implementing policies and programs that left no one behind require constant attention on the potential impacts decisions, programs, and services have on all people, including – and especially – the ones who do not have the equal opportunities to participate in the identification of problems and the decisions. This is what the practice of gender mainstreaming and social inclusion aims for: making sure that the diversity of experiences, needs, concerns, priorities, and rights of all people, from different age, gender, location, (dis)ability, economic situation, social status, is informing policy making, program’ designs, and delivery of services, so that people’s needs are addressed.

This folder contains:

  • Tools and guidelines for mainstreaming youth, gender and disability developed in the Pacific region.
  • A thematic’s collection of tools


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  Government Building, Vaiaku

  +688 20416
